52 research outputs found

    Ivermectina al 1 %. Ensayo a campo en la sarna psoroptica ovina

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    How to check, in field conditions the acaricide action of Ivermectina 1% of Psoroptes comunis var. ovis; 47 sheep of different age, weight and both sexes, presenting a high degree of parasite infestation and with large injured body areas, 36 were medicated on three different levels of dosage, as follow: 300 mcg/KPV single dose, 600 mcg/KPV single dose and 300 mcg/KPV double dose, administered in two doses given with 10 days’ interval 11 sheep were untreated control. From the three levels tested the second proved to be the most effective: 600 mcg/KPV single dose, subcutaneous in the interthight. The double dose was also effective but the animals treated were more sensitive to relapses during the development of the experience. It should be noted the acaricide effect of the product, the absence side effects and the ease of administration just as the disadvantages for medicating it accurately. In spite of effectiveness checked, it should not be overlooked the necessary precautions for avoiding relapses and/or new parasitic infestations.A los efectos de comprobar, en condiciones de campo, la acción acaricida de la Ivermectina al 1 % sobre el Psoroptes communis var. ovis; 47 ovinos de diferente edad, peso y ambos sexos, que presentaban alto grado de infestación parasitaria y con amplias regiones corporales lesionadas, 36 fueron medicados a 3 niveles distintos de dosis, a saber: única de 300 mcg/KPV microgramos por Kilo de Peso Vivo); única de 600 mcg/KPV y doble de 300 mcg/KPV repartidos en dos aplicaciones con diez días de intervalo entre una y otra; 11 ovinos se dejaron como testigos. De los tres niveles ensayados resultó más efectivo el segundo, 600 mcg/KPV, en dosis única, subcutánea en la entrepierna. También fue eficaz la dosis doble de 300 mcg/KPV pero los animales tratados fueron más sensibles a las recidivas en las condiciones en que se desarrolló Ia experiencia. Se destaca el efecto acaricida del producto. La ausencia de efectos colaterales y secundarios y la comodidad de aplicación, así como los inconvenientes para dosificarlo correctamente. A pesar de la efectividad comprobada no deben obviarse los recaudos necesarios para evitar recidivas y/o nuevas infestaciones parasíticas

    Disease presence in goat flocks on temperate valleys of Argentina’s Northwest

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    Una encuesta transversal ad hoc se llevó a cabo en veintitrés majadas caprinas correspondientes a unidades productivas (UP) familiares extensivos (UPF, n=19) y semiintensivas (UPL, n=4) dedicadas a la producción de leche en los valles templados de Salta y Jujuy con el objetivo de describir la presencia de enfermedades en sus majadas. Se recabaron datos del manejo general y sanitario en particular. Se procesaron sueros para el diagnóstico de brucelosis por las pruebas tamiz del antígeno bufferado en placa y confirmadas por polarización fluorescente. Paraparatuberculosis, herpesvirus caprino tipo 1 (CaHV-1), neosporosis y toxoplasmosis se utilizó ELISA indirecto y para leptospirosis microaglutinación. Se determinaron los valores de Cu2+, Zn2+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ sérico por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. En heces, se realizó el recuento de huevos de helmintos por gramo (hpg) y la diferenciación de géneros por coprocultivo. Las UP muestreadas crían en promedio 48,4 ±30,7 (UPF) y 221,3 ±78,7 (UPL) caprinos respectivamente, sin contar los cabritos menores a los 45 días de edad. La cría de las UPF fue extensiva con encierre nocturno y la alimentación sobre pastizal natural mientras que las UPL combinaban pasturas bajo riego con suplementación en base de concentrados. Existen dos períodos de pariciones al año; el principal donde pare casi la totalidad de la majada se localiza desde fines de marzo a fines de septiembre y el segundo período donde pare una menor proporción de cabras se ubica desde septiembre a diciembre. El 94,7% de los productores desparasitaba en forma rutinaria toda la majada y el 75% trataban los piojos. En un 41,2% de las UP se inyectaba mineralizantes-vitamínicos a toda la majada y en solo un 15% vacunaba contra enfermedades Clostridiales. El promedio de la tasa de mortalidad anual fue del 20,1±9,8% y 7,8±3,0% respectivamente en UPF y UPL. En el 100% de las UPF se registró la ocurrencia de abortos, y de estos el 25% presentó retención de placenta. El promedio intramajada de abortos comunicados fue del 14,5 ±11,6%. El 58,8% de las UP declaró tener casos de ectima contagioso. Se registraron un 26,7% cuadros de muertes agudas probablemente por infecciones Clostridiales. En el 93,3% de las UPF se registraron problemas de mastitis. El porcentaje de UP con seroprevalencia positiva a brucelosis, leptospirosis, paratuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis y CpHV-1 fue respectivamente de 0%, 0%, 0%, 73,3%, 40% y 87,5%. Los promedios de los hpg de invierno – primavera y los de verano-otoño fueron respectivamente de 965 y 2859 hpg, con Haemonchus y Trichostrongylus y en menor medida Teladorsagia como nematodes predominantes. En el 31,6% de las UP se diagnosticó Fasciolosis. El 66,7% de las UP describió la presencia, a la faena, de quistes hidatídicos. En un 58% de las majadas se describió bocio. Los promedios por UP de cobre, zinc, magnesio y calcio séricos fueron respectivamente 0,59±0,10 ppm, 0,67±0,05 ppm, 2,30±0,29mg/dl y 8,42±1,92 mg/dl. Sin embargo, para el cobre y el calcio los valores promedios difieren (p<0,05) entre las UPF (0,66±0,08 ppm y 9,36 ±1,85 mg/dl) y las UPL (0,54±0,06 ppm y 7,02±0,76 mg/dl). Un 63,6% de las UP dijo tener intoxicación con cegadera (Heterophyllaea pustulata) y de muertes (50%) en animales jóvenes atribuidas al romerillo (Baccharis coridifolia) y en menor medida a la hediondilla (Cestrum parqui). Un 58,8% de los propietarios declararon tener problemas de pérdidas de animales principalmente por pumas. Estos primeros resultados muestran la importancia de llevar a cabo estudios más específicos respecto de la salud de las majadas para incrementar la producción y el bienestar general de las familias productoras.A cross-sectional survey was performed in 23 goat flocks (UP) of family extensive farming units (UPF) and semi-intensive farming units (UPL) from the temperate valleys of Jujuy and Salta provinces, with the aim of describing disease occurrence in goat flocks. Farmers were subjected to an ad hoc survey to gather data on general management and specific health issues. Sera were processed to diagnose brucellosis using the BPA screening test and positive sera were confirmed by FPA test. Paratuberculosis, caprine herpesvirus 1, toxoplasmosis and neosporosis were tested by indirect ELISA, and leptospirosis by microagglutination test. Serum Cu2+, Zn2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Fecal samples were taken for eggs counts per gram of feaces (epg) and identifying genera by coproculture. UP had on average 48,4 ±30,7 (UPF) y 221,3 ±78,7 (UPL) goats (not including kids). UPF animals are extensively bred, with nocturnal enclosure, and flock feeding is based on grazing the hills and UPL combined pastures under irrigation with concentrate-based supplementation. Kidding is concentrated in two periods: from late March to late September, when almost all the flock kids, and a second minor kid period that was from September to December. Farmers (94,7%) routinely treat all the flock against parasites and the 71,8% treat against lice. The 41,2% of UP provide all the flock with mineral-vitamin mixtures and only the 15, % vaccinated against clostridium diseases. Mean annual mortality rate per flock was 20,1±9,8% and 7,8±3,0% respectively for UPF and UPL. Abortions were recorded in 100% of the UP, 25% with retained placenta. Mean within-flock reported abortions were 14,5 ±11,6%. Contagious echtyma (orf) was detected in 58,8% of the UP and acute deaths probably due to clostridial infections were recorded in 26,7% of the UP. Mastitis-associated problems were recorded in 93,3% of UP. Positive seroprevalence of brucellosis, leptospirosis, paratuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis and CpHV-1, in UP was 0%, 25%, 50%, 42,8%, 88,8%, 85,7%, 12,5% and 0% respectively. Mean epg were 965 and 2859 for winter-spring and summer-autumn respectively, with Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus and secondly Teladorsagia being the prevailing nematodes. Fasciola infections were recorded in 31,6% of the UP. The presence of hydatid cysts in slaughtered animals were indicated by 66,7% of UP. Signs of goiter were described in 58% of the flocks. Mean serum cooper, zinc, magnesium and calcium per UP were 0,59±0,10 ppm, 0,67±0,05 ppm, 2,30±0,29mg/dl and 8,42±1,92 mg/dl respectively. However cooper and calcium was different (p<0,05) between UPF (0,66±0,08 ppm and 9,36±1,85 mg/dl) and UPL (0,54±0,06 ppm and 7,02±0,76 mg/dl). A 63,6% of the UP reported cases of intoxication by cegadera (Heterophyllaea pustulata) and death (50%) were reported and attributed by farmers to the ingestion of romerillo (Baccharis coridifolia) and secondly of hediondilla (Cestrum parqui) by young animals. Some farmers (58.8%) indicated loss of animals mostly due to the attack by pumas. These first results regarding show the importance of conducting specific studies about the health of flocks in order to increase competitiveness in goat production and the welfare of farming families.Fil: Suarez, Víctor Humberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Dodero, Ana Mariela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; ArgentinaFil: Almudevar, F. M.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Bertoni, E. A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Salatin, A. O.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; ArgentinaFil: Viñabal, A. E.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; ArgentinaFil: Saldaño, R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, G. M.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Micheloud, Juan Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: Fiorentino, Maria Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Brihuega, Bibiana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Castelar; ArgentinaFil: Romera, Sonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Castelar; Argentin

    The prognostic association of SPAG5 gene expression in breast cancer patients with systematic therapy

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    Background: Despite much effort on the treatment of breast cancer over the decades, a great uncertainty regarding the appropriate molecular biomarkers and optimal therapeutic strategy still exists. This research was performed to analyze the association of SPAG5 gene expression with clinicopathological factors and survival outcomes. Methods: We used a breast cancer database including 5667 patients with a mean follow-up of 69 months. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses for relapse free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) were performed. In addition, ROC analysis was performed to validate SPAG5 as a prognostic candidate gene. Results: Mean SPAG5 expression value was significantly higher with some clinicopathological factors that resulted in tumor promotion and progression, including poor differentiated type, HER2 positive or TP53 mutated breast cancer. Based on ROC-analysis SPAG 5 is a suitable prognostic marker of poor survival. In patients who received chemotherapy alone, SPAG5 had only a moderate and not significant predictive impact on survival outcomes. However, in hormonal therapy, high SPAG5 expression could strongly predict prognosis with detrimental RFS (HR = 1.57, 95% CI 1.2-2.06, p = 0.001), OS (HR = 2, 95% CI 1.05-3.8, p = 0.03) and DMFS (HR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.57-3.54, p < 0.001), respectively. In addition, SPAG5 could only serve as a survival predictor in ER+, but not ER- breast cancer patients. Patients might also be at an increased risk of relapse despite being diagnosed with a lower grade cancer (well differentiated type). Conclusions: SPAG5 could be used as an independent prognostic and predictive biomarker that might have clinical utility, especially in ER+ breast cancer patients who received hormonal therapy. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Influence of Statistical Estimators of Mutual Information and Data Heterogeneity on the Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    The inference of gene regulatory networks from gene expression data is a difficult problem because the performance of the inference algorithms depends on a multitude of different factors. In this paper we study two of these. First, we investigate the influence of discrete mutual information (MI) estimators on the global and local network inference performance of the C3NET algorithm. More precisely, we study different MI estimators (Empirical, Miller-Madow, Shrink and Schürmann-Grassberger) in combination with discretization methods (equal frequency, equal width and global equal width discretization). We observe the best global and local inference performance of C3NET for the Miller-Madow estimator with an equal width discretization. Second, our numerical analysis can be considered as a systems approach because we simulate gene expression data from an underlying gene regulatory network, instead of making a distributional assumption to sample thereof. We demonstrate that despite the popularity of the latter approach, which is the traditional way of studying MI estimators, this is in fact not supported by simulated and biological expression data because of their heterogeneity. Hence, our study provides guidance for an efficient design of a simulation study in the context of network inference, supporting a systems approach

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Ivermectina al 1 %. Ensayo a campo en la sarna psoroptica ovina

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    A los efectos de comprobar, en condiciones de campo, la acción acaricida de la Ivermectina al 1 % sobre el Psoroptes communis var. ovis; 47 ovinos de diferente edad, peso y ambos sexos, que presentaban alto grado de infestación parasitaria y con amplias regiones corporales lesionadas, 36 fueron medicados a 3 niveles distintos de dosis, a saber: única de 300 mcg/KPV microgramos por Kilo de Peso Vivo); única de 600 mcg/KPV y doble de 300 mcg/KPV repartidos en dos aplicaciones con diez días de intervalo entre una y otra; 11 ovinos se dejaron como testigos. De los tres niveles ensayados resultó más efectivo el segundo, 600 mcg/KPV, en dosis única, subcutánea en la entrepierna. También fue eficaz la dosis doble de 300 mcg/KPV pero los animales tratados fueron más sensibles a las recidivas en las condiciones en que se desarrolló Ia experiencia. Se destaca el efecto acaricida del producto. La ausencia de efectos colaterales y secundarios y la comodidad de aplicación, así como los inconvenientes para dosificarlo correctamente. A pesar de la efectividad comprobada no deben obviarse los recaudos necesarios para evitar recidivas y/o nuevas infestaciones parasíticas

    Function Approximation For A Production And Storage Problem Under Uncertainty

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    In this work, we present an approximate value iteration algorithm for a production and storage model with multiple production stages and a single final product, subject to random demand. We use linear function approximation schemes in subsets of the state space and represent a few key states in a look-up table form. We obtain some promising results and perform sensitivity analysis with respect to the parameters of the algorithm for the benchmark problem studied. © 2005 IEEE.665670Davis, M.H.A., (1993) Markov Models and Optimization, , London: Chapman and HallSethi, S.P., Yan, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, Q., Optimal and hierarchical controls in dynamic stochastic manufacturing sytems: A review (2002) Manuf. & Serv, Ops. Management, 4 (2), pp. 133-170Yin, K.K., Liu, H., Yin, G.G., Stochastic models and numerical solutions for production planning with applications to the paper industry (2003) Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27, pp. 1693-1706Si, J., Barto, A., Powell, W., Wunsch, D., (2004) Handbook of Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming, , Piscataway-NJ: John Wiley & Sons-IEEE PressBertsekas, D.P., Tsitsiklis, J.N., (1996) Neuro-dynamic Programming, , Belmont: Athena ScientificSutton, R.S., Barto, A.G., (1998) Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, , Cambridge: MIT PressArruda, E.F., Almudevar, A., Do Val, J.B.R., Stability and optimally of a discrete production and storage model with uncertain demand (2004) Proceedings of the 43th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3354-3360. , NassauGordon, G., Stable function approximation in dynamic programming (1995) Proceedings of IMCL'95B. III, L.C., Residual algorithms: Reinforcement learning with function approximation (1995) International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 30-37. , [Online], Available: citeseer.csail.mit.edu/baird95residual.htmlReynolds, S.I., The stability of general discounted reinforcement learning with linear function approximation (2002) Proceedings of the UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pp. 139-146. , Birmingham-UKWeiring, M.A., Convergence and divergence in standard and averaging reinforcement learning (2004) Proc. 15th European Conf. on Machine Learning, pp. 477-488. , Pisa-ItalyGolub, G.H., Van Loan, C.F., (1996) Matrix Computations, 3rd Ed., , Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Pres

    Correlation of higher antibody levels to pneumococcal proteins with protection from pneumococcal acute otitis media but not protection from nasopharyngeal colonization in young children

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    OBJECTIVES: We previously found that nasopharyngeal (NP) colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae elicits mucosal antibody responses to three protein vaccine candidates: pneumococcal histidine triad protein D (PhtD), pneumococcal choline-binding protein A (PcpA), and detoxified pneumolysin (PlyD1). Here we sought to determine if mucosal antibody levels to the proteins correlated with protection from acute otitis media (AOM) and NP colonization. METHODS: A total of 228 NP samples were prospectively collected from 100 healthy infants at 6-24 months of age. Whenever children were diagnosed with AOM, middle ear fluids were collected to confirm the diagnosis by microbiological culture. NP mucosal IgG and IgA were quantified by ELISA. RESULTS: Higher NP mucosal antibody levels to S. pneumoniae proteins correlated with significantly decreased likelihood of developing AOM caused by S. pneumoniae during 3 to 12 months of subsequent prospective monitoring. Specifically, children who did not experience AOM (n=111samples) caused by S. pneumoniae had two- to five-fold higher mucosal IgG levels to PcpA (all p values \u3c 0.01), six- to eight-fold higher IgA to PhtD (all p values \u3c 0.05); two- to three-folder higher IgA to PcpA (all p values \u3c 0.05), and two- to three-fold higher IgA to PlyD1 (p 0.08, p 0.03 and p 0.08) compared with children who did experience AOM (n=18samples). No association between mucosal antibody levels to the three proteins and NP colonization with S. pneumoniae was found. CONCLUSION: Higher NP mucosal IgG levels to PcpA, and IgA to PhtD, PcpA and PlyD1 correlate with reduced risk of development of S. pneumoniae AOM infection but not with reduced risk of NP colonization in young children